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Park Ridge artist draws from Transylvanian inspiration

Data apariţiei: 6.02.2015

Unde: Chicago Tribune

Park Ridge artist draws from Transylvanian inspiration

Chicago Tribune despre experienta unei artiste americane in Sibiu.
by Jennifer Johnson, Pioneer Press

Studying art wasn't always a high priority for Park Ridge native Alexandra Giannopoulos. "My parents pushed me to study languages," the 1998 Maine South graduate recalls. "I took four different languages [in high school]."

La Transilvania más festiva

Data apariţiei: 21.12.2014

Unde: El Mundo, ES

La Transilvania más festiva

Târgul de Crăciun de la Sibiu, între primele 7 cele mai frumoase din lume

Sibiu es una ciudad rumana que, hasta mediados del siglo XX, fue habitada por una gran mayoría de población alemana. A la curiosidad histórica se une su atractivo arquitectónico, ya que el centro cuenta con tres plazas conectadas entre sí que mezclán el estilo romántico, barroco y renacentista

DESTINATION: ROMANIA / Sibiu, the city with most firsts in Romania

Data apariţiei: 20.8.2014

Unde: Agerpres, RO

DESTINATION: ROMANIA / Sibiu, the city with most firsts in Romania

Sibiu manages, in spite of its old age, to maintain a young spirit, while never growing tired of registering firsts for Romania ever since 1191, the year when the city was first mentioned in an official document.

15 Undiscovered European Destinations

Data apariţiei: 4.7.2014

Unde:, USA

15 Undiscovered European Destinations

8) sibiu, Romania

Built in the 12th century, the Romanian citadel city of Sibiu is an ideal destination for history buffs. Still boasting many of its original fortifications, visitors can walk through mazes of stone staircases and archways to explore the area's rustic architecture. Stop by Grand Square to visit Brukenthal Palace, a majestic 18th-century Baroque mansion that houses one of the oldest museum collections in the world.

Sightseeing in Sibiu, Romania

Data apariţiei: 24.5.2014

Unde: A Brit and A Broad, UK

Sightseeing in Sibiu, Romania

The only sound I could hear was the rhythmic thud of my shoes on time-worn stone. Every now and then, a solitary black cat would catch up to me looking for attention, the only sign of life or activity in the area.