Sibiul s-a bucurat în ultimii ani de o importantă recunoaştere internaţională a frumuseţii sale şi a potenţialului turistic de care dispune.
Vă prezentăm o parte din articolele apărute în presa online din ţară şi din străinătate referitoare la oraşul nostru:

Jay Talking Travel: Sibiu, Romania

Data apariţiei: 6 aprilie 2016

Unde: CBS Boston

Jay Talking Travel: Sibiu, Romania

Sibiu is a Transylvanian town of about 150,000 people located Northwest of Bucharesti. Formed prior to the 1200’s, Sibiu has been designated a “European Capital of Culture.”

The magical city of Sibiu

Data apariţiei: 29 septembrie 2015

Unde: RossandHelen Travel blog

The magical city of Sibiu

We wish to write in each article how much we enjoyed Romania, namely its magical Transylvania. The city of Sibiu makes you fall in love with it at first sight; it hypnotizes you with its eyes, real eyes that are watching you from all houses. This is the most unique city we have ever been to. It’s not the city, it’s a miracle. We would recommend visiting Sibiu the most in Romania.

Sibiu, 6th place in Best Value Cities for 2016

Data apariţiei: 27 septembrie 2015

Unde: Trivago

Sibiu, 6th place in Best Value Cities for 2016

Sibiu is 6th in Trivago list of 100 best value popular global cities for 2016.

Sibiul ocupă locul 6 în top 100 cele mai convenabile oraşe la nivel mondial ce trebuie explorate în anul 2016.

The 10 Most Beautiful Towns in Central and Eastern Europe

Data apariţiei: august 2015


The 10 Most Beautiful Towns in Central and Eastern Europe

Top 10 cele mai frumoase orase din Europa Centrala si de Est
By Lani Seelinger
Many people who are new to the history of Eastern Europe don’t realize that before the changes that came along with the modern era, there were German settlers scattered everywhere from the Baltic States to the Balkans.

Europe’s Top 10 Cultural Destinations You Didn’t Know About

Data apariţiei: februarie 2015


Europe’s Top 10 Cultural Destinations You Didn’t Know About

10 des­tinaţii culturale euro­pene de care nu ştiai
By Chloe Hay
A fusion of Romanian, German and Hungarian cultures, the city of Sibiu across the Cibin River in Romania, is a beautiful blending of architecture from the Middle Ages. It is loved primarily for its medieval charm, but it is also home to plenty of exquisite restaurants and is surrounded by beautiful parkland too.